Welcome to KNIT Central Wireless Network Administration
Project(2012-2016) Submitted by:
Prashant Singh
Information TechnologyProject(2012-2016) Submitted by
Mohit Kumar
Information TechnologyAdarsh Srivastava
Information TechnologySarveshvar Singh
Information Technology -
1. A student can register only one device. 2. Please provide valid email id. This email id will be used for further references. 3. You can only get access to network only after admin finds your details valid. 4. You will be sent a confirmation email once admin approves your request. Image and Mac format- 1. Please provide mac in following format.
Only 0-9 and a-f are allowed in mac seperated by hyphens(-).
(eg. 82-a4-b5-7d-46-67 ) See here. 2. Please upload scanned image of your colleg id. Only jpg and png formats are allowed (size limit:300KB)
3. Unclear image of college id may lead to rejection of your request.